Our thinking

People intuitively get culture and why it’s important but ask them to define or explain it and they are often stumped.

Culture is nebulous and hard to pin down. There are many different (and sometimes highly confusing) definitions. So we think about it as:

The Way“The way things are done around here” (Deal and Kennedy 2000)

Behaviours“The way” refers to behaviours you commonly see in the business.

Beliefs and AttitudesUnderpinned by mindset – the collective beliefs and attitudes that guide how people operate.

ExperienceInformed by their experience, what they see, hear and feel.

It’s all about understanding the experience people have of your organisation from the moment they first come into contact with you. That experience rapidly creates beliefs about how they should behave.

We have found there are number of drivers that have the biggest impact on that experience ranging from your purpose to leadership to your control environment.

These drivers form the building blocks of our approach.

Looking to understand or change your culture?

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